Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Eve

On New Year's eve we had a little shindig at our house, just a few close friends and neighbors. At the end of the evening a few of us found ourselves in the kitchen (where else?) deep into a conversation about aliens, the extraterrestrial kind. The participants in this conversation consisted of myself, an engineer, a social worker, a university grant manager (the current money gig for this very talented woman) and a drug and alcohol counselor who is also an avid student of the subject.

"Don't even get me started," he said. So of course we did. The conversation ranged from the mundane (my most recent close call with alien abductors dream) to the surreal (ideas for alien christmas cards). Somehow or other, despite the differences in perspective, we all had an amazing time and I laughed harder than I have  in a very long time.

It was a brilliant way to ring in the new year. I am one incredibly lucky woman.

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